
Showing posts from December, 2022

Wow, what a first day

  Brayden's letter thanking Toni and Rob for bring his Flat Stanley along on their around the world cruise. The first stop for Flat Stanley was in Sandgates to say goodbye to Aunt Jeannie (Toni's Mom) Next was to help Toni and Rob do their final checks at their house in Mechanicsville Maryland, make sure everything was packed, and getting in the van. Flat Stanley was a little nervous heading over the new Thomas Johnson bridge when the fog made the top of bridge hard to see!! But Flat Stanley made it to the other side and into Virginia for the first new state. What? We left Mechanicsville a couple hours ago???  Oh, Mechanicsville, Virginia! Who knew there were two! And now another state, this one is North Carolina. Rob was a little tired and wanted to stop and stretch his legs at the North Carolina Welcome Rest Stop.  My legs were a little stiff too. Toni and I went for a walk and she took me to a school bus.  But I told her that it was the wrong color AND it is still Christmas